Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

So I unintentionally took a blogging break. Several times I wanted to hop on and update this "family scrapbook" of mine and didn't even know where to start. The more I procrastinated, the harder it was to jump in. So I'm jumping with yesterday :) What better time to pick this back up than the best holiday we celebrate!

Our Easter always begins with church. I love that we start our day with the reminder of how lost we would be if God had left us in our sinfulness. But he loves us! More than we may ever know. And that is the best gift of all.

I took a few pictures before we left because I knew the shape their nice clothes would be in by the time we got home ;)

Then we came home to find that our ornery dog, Bingo (who is actually a stuffed animal ;)), had kidnapped the Easter bunny and the treasure hunt began!
 Each clue leads to the next clue with a riddle to solve. The kids end up running all over the house and it ends at their Easter baskets :) This is their favorite tradition!

After all that fun, the egg hunt begins:

 My favorite:
 The kids with Russ and Judy:
 Our little family:
 All of us together:

It was a great day! Good service, good food, good company, lots of candy and gifts! Not to mention the sun was out all day long!

He is Risen. He is risen, indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Back! Been looking for some pictures. Looks like you all had a great Easter! Everyone looks so cute. That is a great picture of you and Todd!
