Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And the Tradition Continues...

When Todd was a little boy, there was a particular ornament on his Christmas tree that he loved. It had a propeller-looking thing in the middle that twirled around when air passed through and his mom hung it low and by a vent so the air would make it twirl. Todd would often lay under and blow on it to make it twirl too, spending lots of quiet time under the Christmas tree. It's funny how we remember the little things like that.

Todd has an ornament just like the one he had as a child that goes on our tree. Last year, Judy (Todd's mom) bought a similar ornament for all the kids. I love that they have their own. If those ornaments survive long enough ;) they'll someday be on each of our kids' trees in their own homes, entertaining their own children. For now though, and hopefully many years to come, our children are creating their own special memories of laying under the tree:

They had to do this the second those ornaments were on the tree. I love that :)

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