Saturday, February 12, 2011

Catching the Sun

We finally got around to doing a Valentine craft last week! I've been trying to make a bigger deal out of some of these lesser-type holidays around here but really, it hasn't been going very well for me. They sneak up on me every time! Valentine's Day is one of those. It's right after Todd's birthday so I'm just not thinking about it until it's too late. My family gets an enthusiastic "Happy Valentine's Day!!!" from me and that's about it ;)

But the internet makes everything easier :) I follow a good amount of homeschool and crafting blogs so there's never a shortage of ideas it's just scrapping together the time to get it done. So I did!

I saw this Meg's blog (I love her!) and thought maybe even I could do that!

First, we cut hearts out of construction paper:
 Then a big heart. I used some scrapbook paper I had but you could use construction paper for this as well.
 We placed the big, empty heart on the sticky side of a piece of contact paper then went to work filling it up with the little hearts:

 You can put as many or as little as you want. When you're done, cover it with another piece of clear contact paper and trim excess:
 Cute, little sun-catcher! And cute, little crafter!

We made one for the kitchen window too:
I may leave them up for the rest of winter. You can never have enough hearts ;)