Friday, February 25, 2011


Our Fridays have had a different pace. Todd doesn't schedule patients that day so even though he still goes into the office for some behind-the-scenes kind of work, he's around here more. We still get our schoolwork done, but our pace is different...slower. Especially in the morning. He makes the most of the fact that we have schoolwork and gets some of his own studying done for the new metabolic work he's doing at the office, but he often pops out for some quality time with whoever isn't currently immersed in work with Mama ;) Sometimes he steps in and helps with a certain someone who likes to push my buttons ;) but mostly he joins them in some sort of activity; one he came up with or one they are already working on.

Megan was working on her Draw Write Now book. On each page is a picture with four simple sentences underneath. On the page across from the picture are step-by-step directions on drawing whatever the main part of the picture is. Todd walked through our school room on his way to the coffee pot ;) and this is what happened:
 Some great Daddy time!

Another Friday moment:
Nicholas was working with his snap electronics and it turn into an entire lesson on electronics from Dad :)
(That's Brandon's knee in the picture. They were both hanging on every word their dad said :))

Brandon's Outdoor Ed class at co-op was working on making their own spoons from wood. They made the bowl of the spoon in class last session then the teacher told them to finish it on their own at home. Since they were starting with a pretty good size piece of wood, their teacher told me we could trim some of that down with a saw if we want so they aren't whittling for months so that was another great project for Todd ;) He and Brandon went outside with power tools and a wonderful lesson as well as time together followed. Of course, I didn't go out there with my camera, it was freezing!, so I don't have that time recorded, but I have the aftermath of a lesson on knife safety given by Dad:
 Our weekends have been taken over by basketball, so this bit of extra time on Fridays has been extra precious this winter. We are so very lucky :)

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