Sunday, February 20, 2011

Having a Ball

Our kids have really enjoyed basketball season. In my opinion, the skills required to play this sport are many and not always the easiest to practice either. You definitely need a basketball hoop to practice shooting for example, so while I have many pictures of Todd outside playing football with the kids giving them advice on throwing and catching, our chances at practicing basketball are much more limited, especially this time of the year ;) There is a hoop in our cul-de-sac, but I'm pushing for one in our own driveway this summer :)

Since the main goal of Upward is not to make athletes out of our children, they only practice once a week. At this point in our lives, if it had been more than that we would not have been able to participate so I'm very grateful for that! But even though these teams are only meeting once a week, their progress has been amazing!! The boys' teams are running plays and learning the positions as well as dribbling, passing, and shooting. Megan's team has worked on plays too but mostly they work on dribbling, passing, and shooting ;) It has really been fun to watch our kids improve their skills! At practice this week, Megan made nine baskets! I'm not kidding! During games, it would seem that she'd rather play with the girl guarding her though ;)
Here are some pictures from our season.

 I just can't believe how much Megan has improved! When she started, she couldn't dribble more than a couple of bounces before it fizzled out. Now she can dribble and walk or run!

Nick spent some time last year playing with the guy who was guarding him too ;) This year, he's running plays and everything!

I don't have any more of Brandon than what I posted last month. His games are so fast and furious that all I ever see are the backs of boys heads. My mom joined us to watch the games this week and she couldn't believe how skilled (and tall!) the boys were in Brandon's game. Those boys are all over each other! I'll try harder this week.

Next Saturday is our last game of the season. I'll be happy to have my Saturdays back but it has been so much fun! We'll be a little sad to see it end :)

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