Sunday, March 13, 2011

Learning at Co-op

It's been an long week around here. We have two down with strep, Nick and Megan, which means lots of time at home and since co-op had just started back a couple of weeks ago, they were really sad to miss it. I'm grateful, though, to all my friends who covered my classes and watch out for Brandon so I could stay home and just be mommy for the day :) It was so nice to let Brandon go and know he'd be looked after while I was needed here. You guys are the best!

Our co-op has always been an important part of our home school. It is completely optional and mostly for enrichment, but we wouldn't miss it for the world! The kids love their classes and also getting a chance to be with friends learning and having fun. I know that sounds a bit like school, but it really isn't. They still do their "meat and potatoes" at home so really co-op is the fun, extra stuff. That's why they like it :)

 Here's a bit of what Brandon's doing this semester:

First up is Physical Science using the Apologia curriculum. Apologia is the science curriculum we use at home so I was thrilled when a wonderful friend offered to teach it at our co-op! It's up to the parents and kids to do all the reading and tests at home but at co-op, they get to do the experiments. We do science experiments at home, but in a group, you get a more enhanced experience.

He is also taking Human Body. Let me just say that he has opportunities there that he would NOT have at home ;) Like last week when they dissected a cow's eye.
 Brandon and his lab partner, photo by my friend, Jenny.
Thank you, Jenny!

Yeah....we won't be doing that here at home. At the end of the day, the kids were allowed to take home an eye to show their family. Of course Brandon wanted one. We had a cow's dissected eye in the fridge for a couple of days ;) This is the result of that:
At home with his eye showing Megan all the parts he learned. He was forced to throw it away after this :)

Another class is Fine Art where he is learning the finer points of drawing and sketching. That boy loves to draw so I'm pretty excited that he has the chance to pick up some pointers. This is right up his alley!

He decided he wanted to try something a bit different this semester and signed up to participate in a play. He auditioned and got the part he really wanted as Mr. Frank in the Story of Anne Frank! This class has been such a great learning experience so far! They are even planning a movie night where they can view the movie and have a discussion afterward. I love that it's more than learning lines for a couple of scenes from a play, but also including so much history from a very dark time in the world.

His last class of the day is Nature Enrichment. Brandon has taken this class also every semester for several years now. He loves absolutely loves learning about the great outdoors! In this class, they've learned various things about nature: birds, reptiles and amphibians, plants, taking care of nature, but this year they have focused on outdoor skills. They've carved their own spoons, learned how to build a fire without matches, talked about shelters, and learned about tracking animals.
Brandon has learned so much at co-op this year! At the end of every co-op day, I ask the kids as we are driving home what they're favorite part of the day was and Brandon can never pick! He is loving all of his classes!

When I planned this post, I thought I'd do all the kids together; clearly I underestimated how wordy I would be ;) Our co-op rocks! I'll be posting Nick and Megan's classes soon!

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to hear all of what Brandon is up to and yes, aren't we so very, very lucky to have such a wonderful co-op? I wish Chas had done the Anne Frank class but he dug his heels in. Sigh...
