Saturday, March 5, 2011

We Tried to Talk Them out of It

Today did not start great. After two months of getting the kids to three games of basketball every Saturday, we really didn't want to go back. We wanted a morning of rest! But the Upwards Award ceremony was today. We tried to talk them out of it. They would get their award in the mail if they didn't go so no big deal, right? The main problem we had with it was that they don't do all the age groups at once like some of the other churches do. The basketball program is too big. They can't fit everyone into their sanctuary at the same time so they schedule each age group separately. And we have three out of four of the age groups. Which means we're there all day....again.

But Brandon really wanted to go. And his time was first....9am. UGH

But I'm so glad we went! Even though it was raining and completely yucky outside. It was a great event. They had a guest speaker from the Harlem Globetrotters!! He was such a good speaker! Seth Franco was the first white boy (his words!) on the team in around 60 years. He only played with them for a year then was forced to quit because of an injury. But God has opened so many other doors for him. It was inspiring to hear his story and see him reach out to the kids about his love for Jesus. The kids loved him!

One of the things he said really stuck out to me. We should worship God with our gifts. No matter what those gifts are we should always remember the Giver of all gifts and use them to glorify Him. Inspiring!

 He was so funny. This is what was going on beside me while Megan was with her team:

I know they're a bit blurry. They were laughing so hard all the time!

 After the program, he autographed whatever for the kids. Brandon had him sign his jersey.
Megan decided she wanted to attend in her time slot. I knew that would happen ;) It was all good though. The kids all got duffel bags with Upwards on them. Megan's now has Seth's autograph :)
I've spoke before about how much we love Upwards. It never lets me down :) We tried to talk them out of it today, but I'm so glad we didn't :)

1 comment:

  1. interesting, sounds like a good time :)
