Thursday, August 4, 2011


We finally made it to one of our co-op's many scheduled park days! This has not been a very good summer for us to go. Either we already have plans or it's been a bazillion degrees. But today, we made it! It was great to catch up with a friend and make a new one!

When the other two families headed out, I took our group into the woods for a little nature walk. We didn't have our notebooks, but that wasn't a problem. We can still enjoy being out! The path led us down to a creek where we could sit on a bench, have a snack, and just enjoy the sights and sounds.

 As we headed back to the path, we saw this little guy:
 We're going to have some fun looking him up ;)

We swung by the library on our way home to pick Brandon up a copy of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" so he can get a jump on one of his co-op classes. It's another historically-based play and he's so excited about it! When we got home, there were more surprises waiting for books! I'm not the only one around here excited to start our books:
 Brandon's checking out his One Year Adventure Novel curriculum for Language Arts. He's so excited to write his own novel!! This is our first year using this so I'm hoping it's everything he's looking for. (yes, he was giving me his "my-mom-takes-pictures-of-the-weirdest-things" look but I just wanted something to look back on when they start giving me grief about their work in, oh, September ;))
Megan is SO EXCITED about her work this year! We used "Draw Write Now" last year too and it's great to teach writing (copy work) and drawing. I ordered her two new books from Amazon so when this one came in, she plopped right down at the table and got to work!

The park and books....what a great day!

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