Saturday, December 10, 2011

Our Christmas Count Down

We are doing a few things to count down the days to Christmas this year. One thing is our new Advent calender! I picked this beauty up a couple of years ago at a yard sale for a steal but we've never used it.
All the ways I'd read about included either putting a treat or small gift inside each drawer for each kid....daily. That's so not going to happen here! We don't make it a point to have treats daily nor do I want to give the a small gift each day in December. To me, that kind of takes away a bit from the actual Christmas Day but also I feel Advent is about more.

Finally, I found something more along the lines of what I wanted! This Advent calender was what started the whole thing! Along with her gorgeous calender, she posted a list of things she puts inside. That was all I needed to get the wheels turning in my own mind of things I could put inside!

Some are treats:
But there are also crafts to do, books to read, places to go..the list of things you can include are endless! I worried for a bit about keeping up with it. What if I put something in there that wouldn't end up being a good idea for that day? For example; planning an outside activity on a day that is extra cold or rainy? My solution was to make a "master list" in my personal notebook that way I always know what's coming up so I can shuffle things if needed. Or make sure I have all the supplies ;) It's working out great!

Another thing that has been fun this year is something I ran across on Pinterest:

So each day one of the kids gets to open the drawer in the advent calender and also snip another line off Santa's beard! Kristen asked me why I didn't start the numbers at the bottom with 25 that way the number on the beard would represent the number of days left. Brilliant! In my defense, I followed the directions ;) but I think I'll be giving Santa a new beard soon!

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