Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to my family and friends!

Our day started a bit rocky. Usually we get up early and there are baskets on the kitchen table and eggs all over the house. Some have little notes that lead to a small gift (treasure hunt!). We quickly hunt eggs and search for treasure then it's off to church at 9:00! Not much time to spend with the treasures! We do this because we go to my mom's house after church for more egg hunting and dinner. This year, Easter was at our house so the Easter bunny waited until after church to make his appearance and I think it through some of us off a bit ;)

It would've helped if I'd remembered to inform the kids of the change ;) They ran downstairs this morning to....nothing. There was a little confusion but no tears or pouting!

That sneaky Easter bunny really made it worth the wait, however! Instead of little notes in a few eggs, they had a treasure hunt through the entire house (and outside!), one note leading to another note until finally, treasure! I think this was the best one yet! The kids really had a great time figuring out the riddle on each piece of paper. Thank you Easter bunny for your creativity!

Some pics of the treasure hunt:

Treasure at last!
Brandon re-hid all the notes so Kristen could hunt too:
After the grandparents arrived and Kristen found her basket we went outside for some egg hunting:

After all the eggs were found, we had dinner together. It was wonderful having all the grandparents here today! Thank you all for coming and for bringing yummy food and beautiful flowers!
There's always time for snuggling daddy :)

Grandma Judy and Papaw Russ (Todd's mom and dad) with the kiddies:

Grandma Diana and Papaw Sebert (my mom and dad) with the kiddies:


  1. Happy Easter Wilson family!!! Your pictures are adorable! I love all the cute Easter outfits!

  2. Hope you guys had a lovely Easter! Everyone looks just THRILLED to be finding those eggs and baskets! I think it's adorable that Kristen is still up for the hunt ;)

  3. Thank you Jen and Angi! We had a great day!
