Monday, March 29, 2010


Someone HELP! Something has eaten my perennials! What kind of demented critter would do this to me?!? It doesn't look like an insect, although I'm not ruling that out entirely. If you know what does this sick, twisted thing to plants, please tell me so I can KILL IT!

 It likes tulips {cry} and hostas {which it ate to the ground. I couldn't even get a good picture to show. There's nothing left.}but has steered clear of my daylilies.


  1. Okay, so I know you're really upset and you probably aren't trying to be funny but when I got to the "so I can KILL IT" part, I just totally cracked up.
    And the pictures...oh my...this thing means BUSINESS.

    Creux WAS missing for 20 minutes today, along with a pair of safety scissors.
    Snip. Snip. :)

  2. Hmmm deer steak? Rabbit stew? Darn Easter Bunny! ;) Why does it have to eat my most favorite, precious tulips?? UGH!

    Creux, huh? Come to think of it, there are some pudgy foot (hoof) prints in the mud close by ;) Rascal!

  3. Forgot to mention, my neighbor uses a sensor that is hooked up to the hose so when the deer come by it goes off! The rabbit are hard to deal with. Have you ever heard that human hair keeps them away? I have cleaned my hair brushes out right by my flowers. It has worked, atleast I think it did???

  4. Thank you! What an easy idea! I've not heard of sensors. I'll have to check that out :)
