Friday, April 16, 2010

The Last Day

Yesterday was our last day of co-op for the spring session. While this is usually a bittersweet day for us, yesterday was more than usual because it was our last day at our current church. We will be moving our co-op's location by fall. We've been at this same location for eight years! I know I'm not the only one who will miss it.

Our last day of co-op always has it's share of chaos with lots of extra things planned, and yesterday was just nuts! However, I was lucky enough though to witness some really cute things going on in our kids' classes at a time when I happen to have my camera ;)

Megan in Mem Fox eating her Olympic Torch:
Nicholas being "it" for red light green light in his Spanish class. They had to say red and green in Spanish.
See all those kids reaching?

This is another angle:

So fun!

Making boats and learning about buoyancy in science. I can take all the pictures I want in there because I'm the teacher!
Talking about sinking and floating:

Nicholas and Brandon's plant cell models at showcase:

We used the baggie as the cell wall, jello as the plasma membrane, a grape for the nucleus, and various other bits for all the other cell parts. They had fun and learned so much in that class!

Megan made an ocean diorama in Mem Fox. So cute!
The kids learned so much and had so much fun! Now it's time to plan the next session! ;)

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