Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Birthdays

My birthday is in April and it was great! It started the week before my actual birthday with lunch with Russ and Judy. We had so much fun and the food was delicious! 

Russ and Judy, thank you for coming up to take me to lunch! We had a great time!

April isn't just my birthday though but tons of my extended family including my mom whose birthday is only a few days before mine! So we had another lunch when my dad came up to take me to his favorite restaurant for my birthday. Yes, you read that right...his favorite ;) Crackerbarrel is our tradition and I love that we go there on my birthday :)

My mom joined us and we celebrated both our birthdays at the same time. Efficiency at it's finest! I was able to capture some really sweet moments :

 My dad and Megan:

Missing from all these birthday pictures is Kristen. It stinks having a kid in college. She misses out on so much now that she doesn't get to enjoy the flexible home-schooly schedule any more. Rest assured though that she lavished me with birthday wishes and an adorable picture frame that I can't wait to fill! :)

It was a wonderful birthday :)


  1. Happy Birthday Laura! We have a busy birthday month too! Bill, Erin,and my sister. Then Ethan is 11 days after Erin. Its fun!

  2. Happy birthday! Looks like all that loving was the best present!
