Saturday, January 3, 2009

Even though our Lego League meetings ended in November, I wanted to share some of it here. There were 4 meetings total and a showcase sort of thing at the end for the parents to see what they worked on. I was so impressed with what they did! The theme was climate and they had to make air-powered somethings. Brandon's group chose a helicopter and Nicholas' built an elevator. They also built mini projects at some of the meetings. They did cars and each group had a different challenge to work with. Brandon's had to use gears and Nicky's had to use rubber bands. They really had a great time and learned so much! Brandon is old enough to move up to the regular Lego League which works with robotics this summer! Very exciting!


  1. I love these pictures Laura! Let me know when the next classes start. I would love to get Colin involved.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Laura
    What a great experience for them! Love your blog, I am sure you and the kids will like seeing all that you do.
    Happy New Year

  4. Margot,
    Thank you for the encouragement! They do love reading it :)
    Happy New Year!

  5. Ack! I posted Jenny's comment twice and when I removed one of the duplicates it says her comment was removed by a moderator! LOL Wow that looks bad hehehe. Just to let you all know I only removed a duplicate I accidentally posted! LOL
