Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun with kidlets

Saturday, Todd and Brandon went to a boyscout outing as a "check it out" kinda thing. Since Kristen was at her dad's, that left me with Nicholas and Megan all to myself! ;) We had been reading about owls last week so I thought I'd expand on that with a home-made bird feeder. We had a great time making these, although they were definitely stickier and messier than I had imagined! I had seen them made before with peanut butter, but since Brandon is allergic, we had never made them. When I happened to run across one that used Crisco instead, I knew what we would be doing on Saturday!

Here's the finished and hung product:

Now, if I'd only hung them close to a branch so the birds would have a place to perch while they peck ;) The birds are actually flying up and pecking at it...who knows if they're actually able to get some of the seeds ;)

After our fun with birds, we made a treat for our family; homemade veggie soup and chocolate chip cookies!

It was a very fun day for everyone. Todd and Brandon had a great time, although they froze! They came home certain that boyscouts is the right fit for Brandon. We are very excited to learn more about this organization and be a part of it.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good crafty idea...they made those at Greer's preschool. All you people and your bird-feeders are making me want to be Birdy myself!!! :)
