Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We managed to finally make it out to play in the snow a bit yesterday! The kids have a cold so we've been staying inside, but yesterday I thought maybe it would be OK for them to go out for just a bit and play. They had so much fun! We really didn't stay out very long, just long enough for them to get it out of their system for now ;)
Nicholas found some snow/ice that formed a heart. Isn't that cute?
The kids were making a "snow shelter" under the pine tree in our front yard. They had so much fun and I took pictures (of course!) but, strangely, they are not on my camera. Always something odd.

Even though we weren't out too long, they were worn out when we came in :) Nicholas fell asleep in our bed at 6:00 and slept all night even through being moved to his own bed! He was such a tired guy :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad they finally made it out!
    Hope you guys get better before tomorrow!
