Friday, February 19, 2010

Snowy Fun!

First thing this morning, I told the kids that if they could get their work done quickly we could go sledding after lunch. They did! They couldn't wait to get out there and it was the PERFECT day for it! The temps are mild and I don't think the sun has been so bright since last fall ;)

When I promise sledding, I do not disappoint :) Check out this hill:
Do not make fun of my snowpants! At least I came home with dry clothes ;)
The hill was very steep and the snow was packed so Todd and I took Nicholas and Megan on our sleds the first few times. That didn't sit well with Nicholas! Such a daredevil :) So we let him go it alone:

He headed straight for the shelter (of course ;))
Todd was ready to push him away if needed ;)
He went down the rest of the afternoon on his own. It was only nerve-wracking because of the tree and shelter but he did well!

Megan decided to play for a while in a little cave carved out before us:
She had her own "sledding hill"
She had a great time going down with her big brother though :)
We called my mom so she could come watch these adorable little sledders and, of course, she did!
We all had a great time. It was so nice to be out and enjoy the sun for a while. Seems like it's been forever!


  1. What a fun day!!! And I have black snow pants too, we will look silly together! You gotta stay warm!

  2. Oh what fun! We need to get out there too before all this melts. it goes around here, SURELY there will be more stinkin' snow soon enough.

    Super cute photos! Glad you had such a lovely family day!
