Saturday, June 19, 2010


Lightning bugs only come out in June. When I read that this week, I knew if we wanted to catch any then we'd need to get on the ball as June is more than half over (GAH!). So last night for family night we made our own pizzas, also made a scrumptious fruit cobbler, ate outside on the deck, played games, took a walk, then at dusk, we headed out to catch us some fireflies ;)

Excuse my blurry pictures, they are precious anyway ;) One of these days I'm going to read the manual to my fantastic camera!

We watched them for a bit, then we released them. Megan wasn't too happy about that. She's very much in bugs-are-my-pet mode. She had named all the ones we caught
It was a gorgeous night. I hope we get a chance to get back out for another round of catching lightning bugs soon!


  1. Your post made me think . . . hmmmm. Nope, we haven't had any lightning bug sightings. I hope we get to see them way up here. I love the idea of using the butterfly habitat for quick and brief observations. We'll have to try that if we get to see any. Heck, though by the time it gets dusk here, a little after 10 p.m., the kids are getting settled in bed, but I may have to make an exception.

  2. Only in June?? Good to know, we had better get out there!
