Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer Reading Program

Our kids love the library's Summer Reading Program. I know the prizes are so-so but they don't care! I've tried to make our own in summers past but even then, they still want to do the one from the library! It's become a tradition that they love and so do I.

Yesterday, we went to the library to return/borrow some books. I was planning to go back this weekend or register online for the reading program, but they were taking signups early! We now have all our reading activity records and have begun tracking our progress. (I'm even participating this year. I know it's probably to encourage those who struggle with reading but I'll be there so much turning in the kids' sheets so I thought, why not? I like free stuff too :))

I'm going to attach some of my own prizes along the way too. Really, stickers and pencils only go so far in the encouragement business ;) I'm thinking a new book here and there might be a nice reward. (And unlike toys, I do not cringe when I buy books! No matter how many we have, I'll make room for more! ;))

To get us started, I picked up the new 39 Clues book for Brandon and the first one for Nicholas (he refused to read the library one like Todd and Brandon did as he doesn't want to return it...GAH! no worries though as there are more of us to read it :)) so while they were quietly reading, I was stealthing around snapping cute pictures!

I'm so proud of Nicholas. He's really come a long way this year! This book is definitely above his reading level so he doesn't get all the words right, but it doesn't bother him. I have him read out-loud to me some and correct him hoping it helps the story make sense, but when he wants to read silently to himself, I let him. The habit is important, the words will come later :) The minute we got home, he started. See his timer on the table?
A change of location:

Maybe trying to avoid the camera? I found him anyway ;)

Before bed:

Then he even read IN bed!

Brandon in his favorite reading spot:

Megan was way too busy yesterday for books as she was hosting a whole group of imaginary friends who were over for make-overs and a dance party ;) but I already had a great one of her to put here! I took it last week after the sprinkler fun and it's perfect for my Gallery of Reading pictures :)

Although she's a nonreader at the moment, I can mark when I read to her on her reading activity paper so she gets to participate too!

I didn't get any pictures of Kristen reading because she wasn't here all day! But I can guarantee you that she already has books lined up that she's very anxious to dig into after next week when she takes her finals and is finished with her freshman year! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering when sign-ups were! We love the program too, chessy prizes and all! And I know I am behind on book club, I am behind on everything right now!
