Friday, August 13, 2010

Are You Ready for Some Football?!

It's that time of year around here when thoughts turn to football. We heart our Bengals and never miss a game! We even go to some games. But regardless of where we are watching the game, we are majorly cheering Bengal's fans :)

I wasn't always a fan. I enjoyed watching them in person, but not really too much on T.V. Until I met Todd that is ;) I resisted a bit at first, but resistance is futile! I soon found if you can't beat them, join them is my motto! Now I love it! I look forward to Sundays spent making chili and hanging out in the family room working on lesson plans while cheering our team :)

Here's a glimpse of what Bengal fever looks like around here:
Go Bengals!

1 comment:

  1. Zack is a HUGE Bengals fan, too!! Love Brandon's blanket - I made Zack a blanket with that same fleece on one side.
