Friday, August 27, 2010

Our Classroom

We have a new classroom! This is our tenth year homeschooling and we finally have a room I'm excited about! We tried setting up in the basement several years ago. Since it's finished, it seemed like the perfect place! Put the mess downstairs! However, I'd forgotten how much I really hate being somewhere that has no windows; no sunshine. I'm a sunshine junkie ;) We lasted two months down there. After that, we moved back into the dining room. Our dining  room table is big and we could put our books in the bottom of the hutch. This worked for a while, but we quickly out-grew the hutch. Every year, we added another little bookshelf of some sort to try to contain our stuff. Eventually, it didn't look much like a dining room, it just looked like a mess!

All along the perfect room was right beside us :) Our living room! Part of my reasoning was that we didn't really have anything in the living room that resembled living room furniture but we do have dining room furniture. So we removed the sad couch that was in there and moved in!

Part of my inspiration came from these:
My mom is cleaning out her house and gave me these two bookshelves! Yippee!! Thanks, Mom!

Several coats of paint later:
There's still alot of work to do in here. The picture is left over from when it was a living room ;) It's on it's way out to make room for a calendar, some file holders, and a couple of maps. The bookshelves in the middle were moved in from the dining room for now, but I'd like to have a long table there for a couple of computers. All in good time! For now, it's perfect! I'm able to have most of what I need right there and there's lots of room to move around and lots of sunshine streaming in! I think we'll be very happy here :)


  1. love it!! what a big, happy, bright place for learning!
    and i love "using what you inherit!"
    that coat of paint changed everything for those bookshelves, didn"t it??

  2. Looks great!! I know what you mean about the sunshine and it looks like you found the perfect spot. I love Brandon working by the window.
