Thursday, August 12, 2010


One of the things the kids really wanted to do this year was tie-dye. Even though it didn't make our summer list, I was planning it. Until I saw that one of the VBS's they went to was planning it! I'm off the hook! Or so I thought. It turned out that only Brandon's grade made them. So it made a reappearance on my shopping list. But! Our church has had get-togethers for their first through fourth graders once a month this summer. They played water games and some other outdoor games. We hadn't made it to any yet, but for this last one of the summer, they were tie-dying too! Nicholas was begging to go. So I took him ;) When we got there, they asked Megan if she wanted to stay too. YES! (Brandon was at home or he probably could have stayed as well) They had a ball playing and, of course, loved doing the tie-dye. Megan won one of the dodge-ball games :) She threw the ball and got the other person out. Nicholas was really excited for her since she was on his team ;)

So here they all are enjoying their tie-dye shirts!

Megan really wanted to hold Brandon's hand:

Brandon was not in a hand-holding mood ;) Look at that face!

Then they started cracking up!

1 comment:

  1. They all look great but WOW, Brandon's is awesome! How'd it come out like that???
