Friday, June 5, 2009

Feeling Inspired (and a bit overwhelmed)

I have been inspired to clear out some of our belongings . This is not an easy undertaking, since I tend to hold on to things way past their time and the rest of my family are total pack-rats! ;) I have found that the more we have, the more we have to pick up and no one wants to do it! My kids groan whenever I mention clean up time and I am not a pleasant person at that moment!

In an effort to be a more peaceful household, I had a garage sale.

It actually wasn't as painful as it sounds ;) There weren't as many toys in it as I would have liked but the kids tried and I applaud their efforts. NOTHING that was in the sale will make it's way back into this house though and I will continue to gather and bag for donating to the local charities. I've been inspired and encouraged by my friends who are also sprucing and organizing and giving everything not nailed down a good long look ;) I feel really good about this and I think the kids and Todd are on board too. That really makes it easier! I have hope that by the end of summer, we'll have made some real progress! I already feel lighter :)


  1. It is a wonderful feeling to purge! I am the 'give away Queen', just call me, I will help you! I tend to throw or give things away quicker than we get to open them up. I try and stick with the rule: if you have not used it in 6 months to a year, pitch it! It is so hard though, I know. Garage sales are ALOT of work, I am sure you guys have been busy over there! I hope it went well, now take the earned money and buy ice cream. :)

  2. Yeah for feeling lighter! You KNOW I love a good purge ;) I'm proud of you!!

  3. Carla, thank you for the offer, but I think my house would scare you to death! I KNOW Angi would have a heart attack :) especially right now! The garage sale has left an absolute mess throughout the rest of the house hehehe

    Thank you both for the encouragement! You two along with Jenny have been my inspiration :) So keep it up and drag me along with you!
