Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nicholas!

My littlest guy turned 7 today! I can't believe it! Although it seems like yesterday that I brought his little 9lb 9oz self (he was my second smallest baby) home, it also seems like he's always been here. I can't imagine one day of my life not knowing him.

He is funny, shy, and snuggly. He sometimes crawls in my bed very early for some snuggle time. He's like a little heater :) He builds all kinds of things that baffle me. He's so smart. And handsome! He looks like his dad :) He loves to do crazy things...not dangerous really, he's actually kind of conservative...just crazy. He cracks us up!

He's also stubborn; especially about food. And school. He hates to hear the word "no".

He takes awhile to warm up to things. He doesn't like "switching gears" so to speak. Maybe he gets that lovely trait from me as I hate change.

We had just a very small party for him today to celebrate his day. Just us and my mom. He picked our meal (not healthy of course) and told his dad what he wanted for a cake. I'm the cake baker and Todd is the cake decorator.
Our monkey picked a monkey cake for the second year in a row ;)
Opening presents:
Loving his new Crystal King:
Brandon helped him get it together ASAP!

A birthday hug from Meemaw:
Little hands:
Happy Birthday my sweet, little guy :)