Friday, July 17, 2009

A Little Fun for Us

We leave this afternoon for a little impromptu camping trip. We've had the camper for two years now and this will only be our third trip...ugh. Turns out we have busy little schedules ;)

Each trip has had weather issues (tell me again why we live in Ohio?). We froze the first time even though it was mid-May, the second time we evacuated a few hours after we set up camp because a tornado was coming through and this time there's a chance of thunderstorms all weekend. I'm beginning to think I'm cursed or something ;)

We'll have a good time anyway! We're taking the boat for a little extra fun (not during thunderstorms of course ;) we have a DVD player for that!). I get to pull the boat first time pulling anything. I don't think Todd really wants me to be the one to pull his toy, but it's easier than the camper so that's the way it is. I'm sure he'll have his eyes on me all the way there! Pray that there aren't many right-hand turns! The curbs are in trouble ;)

I'd better get back to packing! I'll post lots of pictures when we return on Sunday! Hopefully they won't be filled with wet, muddy people...ugh.

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