Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Big Night

Last Thursday was our last day of co-op for this semester. Our kids absolutely LOVED their classes and they'll miss seeing their friends so much. Maybe we'll have to get in some "playdates" over our break ;)

Anyway, along with the last day is our showcase; sort of an open-house/recital. It was HUGE this year! As I was typing the program, I was amazed at how many kids had signed up to perform. Really, I was starting to stress a little ;) We set up every chair in the Fellowship Hall and it wasn't enough. I overheard someone telling someone else there was no place to sit! WHAT?!? We had to drag chairs from upstairs. Seriously!

It was all good though. Actually, it was great! I completely forgot to snap a few pictures of the fantastic displays (of course I did), but let me tell you, they were great, so I stole a few from my friend, Angi :)

I was so impressed with the art that Brandon did this semester! Miss Juli said she wanted to have an older kids class so she could teach a more in-depth class and wow did she ever! Here is some of Brandon's work from the past ten weeks:

For this study, they were to bring in an 8x10 picture. Then they were to paint the picture three different ways; realistic, abstract, and non-objective. Love it!

I stole this picture from Angi's blog ;) Brandon's isn't in this shot, but I love how you can get a good idea of what the diplays looked like and see some of the wonderful talent!
Here's a close-up of Brandon's:
For this one, he did a grid drawing of a photo of a zebra, then he took that drawing and etched it into a black board. Love it too! Brandon's is top center:
This is a display from Nicholas' Seasons class. They did all sorts of things in this class, from decorating pumpkins to bringing home snails and bulbs. There was all sorts of hands-on learning going on there!
Then there were the performances, my favorite! Nicholas did music this semester which he surprised himself by loving! They learned a sweet, little song and also learned a song on the bells! I'll be posting a video of that soon!
Megan's preschool class did a cute song to sign language. These little ones worked really hard this semester learning these signs. Megan was so eager to show me hers each week. She was so excited!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a great night, wasn't it??? And I love Brandon's art piece--I had seen it hanging and thought the original picture was an awesome choice to work with but I couldn't remember whose it was!

    And look at Megan up there performing!
