Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A New Tradition

A few years ago, we stopped passing out candy during Beggar's Night. Yes, I know....GASP! I was just amazed at the amount of candy that goes to waste. Our kids only go out for about an hour at most and still there would be forgotten candy left in my pantry that I'd run across several months later. So I changed it up a bit here:
This year it was tattoos and erasers. It's been other things in the past but I don't regret not passing out candy because I know those kids are getting more than they will (or should!) eat! I like giving them something that will last; something they can USE. And they actually seem to like getting something different. I hear them telling their parents as they walk back to the sidewalk, "I got a pencil!". (these were Halloween-y pencils, not the plain orange kind ;))

The funny thing is how excited our kids get about it! They can't wait to see what I'll choose to treat kids with! And, of course, they get one too ;)

As far as the candy goes for our kids, after we sort out all manor of nutty candy, there's not alot left. We let them eat several pieces that night, but the binging slows down dramatically after that. Oh, don't worry, our kids get plenty of yummy sweets, just not much in the way of candy. We all love baking so it only makes sense to combine the two pleasures. Plus, I love knowing EXACTLY what goes into our home-baked goodies ;)

Megan's loot:
Yep, that's it. But they don't mind one bit.

And they love our tradition :)


  1. YAY!!
    What a great idea, one I may steal in the future! I'm so sick of the candy thing. I know kids love it but enough is sometimes ENOUGH! :)

  2. Love that idea Laura!! I just threw away so much candy because I just need it gone!!!
