Friday, November 27, 2009

A Thanksgiving Celebration

Every year (almost) we travel to my aunt's house in Kentucky for Thanksgiving. It's usually the only day we spend with my extended relatives on my dad's side so we really look forward to seeing everyone and catching up.

Here's our day in pictures:

Heading to Kentucky.
Megan wanted to hold on as we crossed the bridge ;)
On the farm:
Megan, Uncle Ed, and Papaw going for a walk to see the cows.
We got a kick out of Heidi wanting to go for a ride in the Mule.
Hanging out outside:
Nicholas fell asleep.
Then he snuggled Kristen and she fell asleep too!
Nana is in the purple and Megan is snuggling Uncle Ed's mother. I can't remember the name of the other lady but I think she's Ed's sister.
The Great-grandkids: our kids plus my nephew, J.D. and my cousin's daughter, Emily:
The six of us plus my dad and Nana:
Nana, Dad, and Aunt Emily:
We had a wonderful day visiting and eating (too much, of course ;)) and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Thanksgiving isn't over for us, though! We still have two more wonderful dinners to share with family! Although it makes for a busy weekend for us, we feel so thankful and blessed to have so many people to share this holiday with that we wouldn't have it any other way! :)

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