Monday, January 4, 2010

A Day at the Park

That's right, we visited the park today! Yes I know it's snowing but I wanted to pick up some park programs and I know I can't go there and not let the kids hang out at the nature center for a while ;)

Blacklick has a cool nature center not too far from the parking lot and the whole back wall is windows with bird feeders and a pond right outside. Perfect for some nature-lovin' kiddos :) We really lucked out today as the minute we walked in we saw deer through the windows!!! At first, there were two which we were very excited to see so close; then they were joined by four more and got way closer than before! We had a blast watching them and the birds!
There was one that kept chasing some of the others away! Bully!
The birds where gorgeous. My pictures don't do them justice.

Fat, little squirrel with his tail curled up over his back...adorable!
It was a wonderful treat this afternoon. Our kids have had a little cold so they haven't had many opportunities to get out in the snow, but this was perfect!


  1. That looks like so much fun! We'll have to head over there. I miss our hiking summer park days! This cold is so annoying!!!

  2. Those pictures are AWESOME!! Love how close the deer were. Oh, and that picture, the second one, of the cardinal sitting low to the ground on the limb is gorgeous!!

  3. WOW, you guys saw so much! Who would've thought the park would be that active in the dead of winter???

    I'm half tempted to go myself!
    But only half.
    Brrrr!!! :)
