Sunday, January 31, 2010

Celebrate Success

Nicholas reading to Megan. I can't tell you how much this picture means to me! First, just the fact that he's reading to his little sister is so sweet! I nearly jumped for my camera :)

But this whole reading thing hasn't been the easiest thing for him either. Sometimes he struggles and gets frustrated. But he's hung in there with me and he's seeing some fun results from all his hard work :) (and let me just say that the one-on-one teaching he has a home schooled child has been the very best thing for him)

My friend, Jenny, told me about a book series that her son, who is just a bit older than Nicholas, loved. Captain Underpants. We had seen the series at Barnes and Noble but when he asked for it, I distracted him with something else. I really didn't want to encourage his fascination with bodily functions ;) (BOYS!) But after Jenny mentioned it, I thought maybe we'd check some out from our local library and see what they are all about.

You know what? They aren't all that bad! And the best part? He wants to read them! And they are chapter books! Wow! He still can't read a whole lot of them on his own; he needs some help with a word here or there. But that's ok since he has a big brother who indulges him every night with some quiet reading in their room :) Oh, the reading going on in this house right now!


  1. Oh, I am so glad he likes them!
    Colin is on to the Stink series now.
    You should try that as well!

  2. So sweet! Big brothers are such a blessing. And so are loving sons :)

  3. I know the feeling of an accomplished reader!! Zack struggled for such a long time, too. But once it clicked and he too took to enjoying reading. I feel the same way about the one on one homeschooling attention - I can only imagine how lost he would have been in a classroom.

  4. We have a few of that series over here in our bookshelves too!!! Boys will be boys, and if it helps them to read I am all for it too!! It worked for Casey a few years ago!

  5. We have Captain Underpants in our bookshelves over here too!!
