Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

On this day of remembrance, I would first like to thank family members who have served this country: my dad and my father-in-law who both served during the Vietnam War, Todd's Grandpa Clay who served during WWII and was at Pearl Harbor during the attack there, Todd and his brother, Scott, who also served, thank you all so much for your faithful service to our country.

To our friends who are currently serving, Aubrey, who is in Iraq, and Jon who is just finishing up boot camp and ready for whatever the Army has planned for him, thank you both for your service. We pray for your wisdom and safety. We also pray that you would be a light for Christ to all you are around.

Today we remember all the people throughout our nation's history who have served our country. Without them, our we would not have the freedoms we take for granted every day. Thank you.

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