Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Summer List

We try to squeeze alot into summer. Alot of fun, alot of reading, alot of home-improvement, alot relaxing, and alot of family time. So when I saw this post over at Whatever (I love that blog!) I had to swipe it! She used the word "intentional" when telling about the reason behind the list and it's become my favorite summer word ever ;) We always have good ideas and intentions for the summer but summer seems so short and often it's the end and we didn't do half of what we'd wanted. A Cool Summer List was the answer! It's hanging right beside my desk so I can keep track of all the great things we wanted to do and intentionally plan them!

This is our summer list. There's even room at the bottom for more ideas ;) I had actually thought of something fun on the way home from dropping the kids off at VBS, but after I got home I couldn't remember it. See how much I needed this list! GAH!

A note about the "craft" listing; we've decided we'll have Craft Wednesdays. Choosing a day of the week made it more intentional (there's my favorite word again!) and gave me a day to have the supplies I need together. We'll probably do crafts other days as well, but at least Wednesdays! We've taken this week and last week off since they are at VBS for two weeks and doing crafts daily there, but we'll be back at it next week :)

We've checked a few more things off since I took this picture. I'm loving this list! It'll find a home in my filing cabinet at the end of summer for a forever record of all the fun we had :) Here's to an intentionally fun summer ;)


  1. I think this was her post last year that hooked me to her blog though I don't visit as much as I used to but she has an awesome life, doesn't she?

    And I love this idea so much, have seen it on everyone's blogs but haven't yet done it myself because...
    I think we'd have more blank boxes than checked ones :)

    Maybe next summer we'll be back in action!

    And I love "intentional", too.
    It's GOOD to be intentional!

    Have fun clearing your list!!!

  2. Love this idea, I'm stealing it!
