Friday, July 30, 2010

Stepping Stones

Yesterday was a fun day around here! We had some crafty projects laying around that the kids were dying to do so I decided to indulge them :)

I bought these stepping stone kits at JoAnn's two years ago! I saw them while I was in the checkout marked down big time so in my cart they went. Hello, my name is Laura, and I'm an impulse shopper ;) I knew the kids would have fun with them, I had just forgotten how much I procrastinate doing a project that has the potential to make a huge mess! Anyway, a couple of months ago, Todd ran across them while cleaning out the garage and asked me about them. I said yes, we were totally going to do those, do not throw them out! I mentioned it to the kids last week as a potential project, but something else came up so they didn't get done. Yesterday, Nicholas started in on me first thing in the morning annoying begging me to get them out! Finally, I sent him up to wake Kristen (did I mention he started early?). If we were dragging out those kits and making that mess, we were doing everyone's all at the same time!

It was great fun! Since the weather this week has been so much better, it's just fun getting outside with them doing things like this.
Nicholas had to be first!
I did the majority of the mixing for the younger ones, Brandon mixed most of his and Kristen got to do hers all by herself ;) 
I loved watching how they decorated their stone. My only requirement was to leave a space for their name and the year. Hand prints were optional. Nicholas was so excited about sticking his hand in it though ;)
The finished stones are gorgeous! I can't wait until they are ready to put in the landscaping :)

1 comment:

  1. Those look great!!! We are all guilty of having crafts in dark corners for way too long!
