Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Celebrating Megan

This year, Megan's birthday fell in the middle of a nasty stomach virus going around. I had been sick the weekend before, felt a tiny bit better when her birthday rolled around on Tuesday, then on the day of her party, Nicholas got sick. While Todd tended the sick, I called all Megan's friends to tell them the party was canceled. She was heartbroken. It was to be her first party with friends and she was really looking forward to it.

Luckily, we were able to reschedule! Not all the girls were able to come. Some still had the darn stomach virus going around in their house, some were out of town (tis the season!) but the ones who were able to come had fun!

I had some beads set out so the girls could make some jewelry and let me tell you, those girls liked their bling!

Crafty little girls!
 Do you see Nicholas peeking in from the kitchen? That little flirt! He was very busy showing the girls the spider he caught and other such boy-stuff ;)

Megan and her new bracelet and necklace:
 Lyza and her new bracelet and necklace:
 Greer and her new bracelet and necklace:
We're all in trouble with these cuties ;)
 Opening presents:
   I love Lyza helping her in this picture. She couldn't wait for Megan to see what she got her!
 Megan and Greer with their heads together. I can't remember what they were looking at or talking about but the picture is so sweet!
 The party girls:
It was so much fun!


  1. Greer had such a good time! Thank you so much for inviting us--we need to get these girls together more!

    So happy Megan "finally" got her party!

  2. My girls were blog hopping earlier today and told me all about Megan's party pics! So sorry we missed it but so glad we did since we would have brought that bug right back to you! Hopefully next year will be better!
