Thursday, October 1, 2009

And I thought the Construction Was Going to be the Death of ME!

This session of co-op has need slightly more stressful than others. The problem is that there is major construction being done to the road in front of my church. Basically, there is no road at the moment ;) Since I'm the church liaison, I've been working to let people know which routes are currently open to get into the church each week.

That's not too hard.

Except when they close ALL the roads leading to the church. Or when they only have one driveway into the church open so that we have to enter/exit using the same, narrow driveway.

That last one was the case today. which was actually going better than I had expected.

Until they (the construction crew) decided to block off all church driveways. While we were in co-op. With some parents trying to get back in for lunch. Yeah.

But by the time I checked with the church office and the associate pastor went out there to plead with them on my behalf to please open a driveway, they were opening not only one but two driveways!

But not before this happened:

My friend, Angi, had gone out for a quick grocery trip and returned to find out she was closed out; unable to get to her kiddies.

That will not do! You cannot keep a momma away from her kiddies! She did what any of us mommas would do....she ramped over the curb :)


Yep, she got stuck.

Let me just say she usually drives a giant SUV.

And she has a great sense of humor ;) When she saw me walking toward her dangling my camera, she was cracking up!

Her husband came to her rescue though and she was able to get that rental minivan on it's way ;)

Angi, I hope your day got better!


  1. Laughing so hard, my stomach hurts!!!
    Am so glad you captured this moment!!

    Leave it to me to set an example for the WHOLE DARN CO-OP! ;)

    Good times, eh? Lol...

  2. So glad you can laugh about it! You're such a good sport! (I blame the mini-van! ;))
