Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Little Project

We've been trying for a while now to fix up our basement for the kids. We have a finished basement and it has been everything from a movie area to a school room to it's current status as store room ;) We had our work cut out for us!

There's two rooms down there. One is a playroom and I was able to get that painted and spruced up a bit last winter. The other room is bigger and we've been up in the air about what to do with it.

One of the things holding me up was paint. The room was baby blue and I hated it. Basements are cold, in my opinion, and the wall color made it even colder. I'm convinced of it! But I couldn't decide what color I wanted. I finally chose a green color but when I brought the samples home I hated it too. Finally I found what I wanted and, with help from my mom, got it painted right before we left for vacation! I knew if we waited until we got home it wouldn't get done at all. There's just too much going on during the school year.

We also have alot of big things down there. Like a ten foot counter top. Couldn't decide to keep it or not. Then it dawned on me that it would be the perfect place for my Little Builders! It's now a Lego table :) We'll be putting up a couple of shelves so they can display their work too.

Here's the half of the room that's done:
Nicky and Megan are sitting at the Lego table. Isn't it great?! We have some of their video games down there too and the perfect place to curl up with a book. That's my favorite rocker :)

Teh other half of the room is still a little messy but nothing compared to what it was! Our old kitchen table is down there for a craft table and my wonderful (lonely) treadmill.

We still have pictures to hang and a few other things to clean out. There are two closets down there that need attention. But I think it's finally coming together! We can start moving more toys down right away! :)

We bought the stools for the Lego table today and Nicky and Megan were helping Todd put them together: