Friday, October 16, 2009

More Co-op Fun

This semester, I signed up to teach a class on pioneer life to the k-1st grade group. Then, when it looked like we might need another class in the afternoon, I volunteered to teach gym. While teaching two classes has been a bit stressful (I do NOT know how others do it!), I've really had fun!

Teaching little kids has it's challenges, of course. They all really have alot to say! Just getting everyone to sit and listen for a minute can be tough! I think this is why the school day is so long! The teachers spend all day just trying to explain something! They actually have some very cute, although sometimes irrelevant, things to say. They keep me giggling :)

So yesterday, we read about how Pa Ingals managed to get a cow on the prairie for the family and then we made butter! At first, I wanted to let each of them make a small jar of butter all by themselves so they could take it home and show their parents. Then I remembered how much shaking is involved. It takes awhile and I was thinking little arms would get very tired. So I spilt them into groups of three so they could take turns shaking. This worked out very well except they all really wanted to take it home :) I wish I had thought of bringing extra jars so they could each take some! They really were excited!

I took pictures of everyone shaking their jar of cream so I could share their fun at the showcase in a few weeks, but I thought I would post a few here for my friends who read my blog :)

When it wasn't their turn to shake, they had a coloring page of a pioneer mom and daughter churning butter to work on. Let me just say, I've been impressed with some of the coloring done in my class! I can't wait to show the parents!

When the butter was all done, we served it up on homemade bread for them! The kids have been pretty good about trying the food I've brought in. There's always someone not very interested though and that's ok too :) Thomas let us butter half his bread with every intention of trying a little, but he changed his mind when he got to it. He liked the unbuttered half though! You can see their jar of butter there too.

Most everyone loved their little snack and asked for seconds! I had enough that everyone could have another half piece and they were thrilled! (probably no one ate their lunch after filling up on bread and butter! Sorry!)

I have really had fun teaching them about some of what the pioneer life was like. As an adult who truly loves her modern conveniences, I'm just amazed at their self reliance! I mean, forget the fact that they had no T.V. or things like that...they didn't even a grocery store! Can you imagine?!?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for teaching this great class. Emma is having so much fun!
