Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Last Showcase

As I posted earlier, tonight was Kristen's last showcase. It's always a great show. There's a couple of theater performances and lots of songs that the sign language classes perform which is the most beautiful thing! It was bittersweet for both of us as I, too, will miss some people. But we had a great time! There's always an "after-party" so, for tonight, one of the co-op parents had arranged for CiCi's pizza to stay open late for us!

The choir is the only thing Kristen does that performs. She's been in it since we started four years ago and has loved every minute! The teacher is magnificent and the choir is huge so getting up in front of people is less intimidating that way ;) Here's my baby:
I cropped it so you all can find her ;) She in a light blue dress with a white sweater:
With some friends waiting:
The natives were restless:
Megan is playing her "air piano". She's REALLY good ;)

After with Grandma Diana:
And with some of the rest of us:
Best friends:

Her BIGGEST fans:
We love you, Kristen!


  1. Awww. I'm a little weirdly sad seeing these photos. I can't imagine things drawing to a close, so I have no idea WHAT it must be like for you, Laura. You've done a wonderful job with Kristen and I know I'm only one of the moms that know her that's fallen in love with her. (And is willing to entrust the most precious things I have in the world with her.) As much as this next stage in life will be bittersweet, I for one can't wait to hear all about the New Stuff waiting for Kristen...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Angi, Carla, and Jenny for the sweet comments you've made about my "Kristen" posts! I think she's a wonderful girl! But, of course, it's so nice to hear others agree! ;)

    (in case you're wondering why I deleted my own comment above, my wireless keyboard goofed it all up!)
