Friday, May 29, 2009

So She Wants to be a Tiger...

Megan is obsessed with tigers. It started when we watch Kung Fu Panda. Right then and there, Tigress completely captivated my sweet little girl. Now, instead of princessy stuff, my girl is very into tigers. We read all sorts of books on wild cats, do tiger crafts, and she even plays at being a tiger or kitty. I have to wash her "fur" (cannot say hair) in the tub at night while she meows at me ;)

While this has been a common thing around here for quite some time now, I was unprepared for the newest attempt to be a tiger:
You can't really see it well in the pictures, but she covered her arms and legs with pink crayon stripes. This is what she was doing last night instead of sleeping... humph ;) Well, at least it's pink and not orange and black :)

1 comment:

  1. That is so hilarious, and adorable! I am diggin the pink stripes, so much more 'sheak', instead of black. Tell her she is prettiest tiger I have EVER seen!
