Saturday, May 2, 2009

Overcoming Fear

Brandon's last Bible Drill competition was today. In the state competition, the kids in the children's division need to step forward (indicating that they know the answer and they only have 10 seconds in which to do this) 20 out of 24 opportunities to become a state winner and Brandon did it! He worked so hard all year learning the material and drilling, drilling, drilling! He was so nervous today, but there was such determination about him I knew he wouldn't back down. He gets that same look that his dad gets when there's a challenge ;) It was great to watch him up there. He was so pleased with himself!

Waiting for his group's turn to go up:
I got a picture of the big grin he flashed my way, but it turned out blurry :(

There were 4 children's groups this year; two NIV groups, a King James, and a Holman, our church does King James. Here they are with the other King James version competiters:
Here's a picture of the whole group. You can't see Brandon very well though, just his head peeking up a bit:
I have to put this one in here. At the drills, Megan would take out a hymnal and "drill" too!
How cute!

We are really so lucky and blessed to have the competitions at our church. Some of these kids had to drive quite a ways this morning. Everyone did well. It was so nice to see so many kids learning and putting to memory God's word!

The other catagory in the children's division is state perfect which means you stepped forward every opportunity. That sounds like a goal for next year!

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtfull post on overcoming fear .It should be very much helpfull.

    Karim - Creating Power
