Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Best Homework Ever!

That's what Brandon had to say about Mrs. Slone's assignment for their nature class this week. They've been learning outdoor skills including building a fire using a flint-type starter. The boys have all all sorts of fun with that these last couple of weeks, and so has Todd ;)

This weeks assignment was to build a fire and cook over it. You can imagine their excitement! Todd took out my little garden/weed patch. Between the fact that the soil needs major work and the critters come in from the woods and eat everything that manages to grow, I've given up. I'll be rethinking the whole garden thing next year. Anyway, it was the perfect place for a fire pit! So that's what we did :)

 You can see Nicholas still isn't feeling better. He played football today though. See what I mean about not keeping him down??
It was really a great night for this! It was so much fun, we've decided to make a permanent pit out there :)

1 comment:

  1. ADrienne is making us dinner tonight!
    You totally need to make a fire pit out back. We did it a couple of years ago and use it SOOO much!!!!
    What a great family night!!
