Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

To give our kids time to explore and have fun either  with each other or with friends, I've been scheduling our Fridays as Field Trip Days so when a chance to hit the pumpkin patch with some friends came along, we took it!

I almost bowed out. When I got up in the morning, it was cold and rainy. Not a good day for the pumpkin patch. I hate rain and I hate mud even more! I told the kids we should stay home and get caught up on our work anyway. This has been a busy week and there were a few things that we had gotten behind in. (I don't obese about each week, but if an opportunity presents itself to get caught up, I take it!) But when the sun came out and the ground didn't feel too soggy, we finished up our morning, grabbed a quick bite of lunch then headed out to meet some friends :)

We were freezing when we got there. The sun would move behind a cloud (there were many to choose from!) and the wind would chill us to the bone.  I didn't see any of our friends and thinking they may have changed their minds, we almost left. Then I spotted Jenny's adorable daughter and she led me straight to her mom who I had apparently abandoned in the parking lot as she pulled in right behind me and parked right beside me. Maybe I need to be a bit less distracted and a bit more aware of my surroundings.

Once we started finding friends, we headed into the play area. It was so busy and the kids wanted to run everywhere. Stress! I managed to convince them to play on the slides at the entrance while we waited on more friends to come. It would be easier for them to find us there since we were right inside plus I would be less freaked out if they were roaming around with a group of friends rather than on their own. Not that they are ALLOWED to roam on their own. In that crowd they would have been beside me all day ;)

Watching them on the slides was fun! I think Megan would have stayed there all day!

  While I was watching this cutie I was keeping my eye out for this gang:
 Don't they look like trouble??? That's Nicholas in the back with his hood up. It really was chilly!

 These girls waited in line a long time for their turn on this hamster-wheel thing ;) They giggled the whole time!

 Well, until the gang of trouble joined them ;)
 Our gang:
I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Brandon except this group one. He and the other older kids had fun just roaming around. I'd catch glimpses of him throughout our visit but for the most part and he did go to the "Enchanted Forest" with us but I didn't take pictures there...of course.

It was fun to get together with friends! Thanks for setting this up, Angi!

1 comment:

  1. That was SOOO fun Laura. Maybe we need to try and go one more time one afternoon when school's are not out!
    I wish I would've had a chance to talk with you more but it seemed we were running in a million directions with all of our groups going this way and that way!
    Hope you guys have a great weekend!
