Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Yesterday was just crazy busy! Tuesdays are usually busy for us anyway because there's dance and cubscouts both in the evening one shortly after the other making dinner tricky. But yesterday our morning was busy too! We had a play to go to! (thank you, Angi!) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Perfect for October fun.

Our day went like this:

Megan fell on the hardwood floors knocking a tooth loose and busting her mouth. She's fine, thank God, just swollen and bruised. We needed to ice it though so we were a bit late for our play. Luckily we didn't miss any! It was so fun!

Afterward, we went to lunch with my cousin and kids. We sat in there talking forever :)

Took Todd lunch.

.Ran errands including Target for socks. I should never hear the words, "I can't find any socks." again ;)

Stuck at Target during tornado warnings. ~sigh~

Home for a tiny bit.

Dance class.

Picked up dinner for Todd and me. Chipotle! The kids hate it so I whipped something up for them at home real quick before running out to cubscouts.

I finally pulled my camera out of my purse for a couple of pictures :) I was so glad I did! They had a guest speaker who talked to them about the American flag. He was so good with those boys teaching them all sorts of flag stuff. Because of the high winds, they didn't go out to raise and lower the flag as planned but they still had a full lesson including flag folding (which is when I pulled that camera out ;)).

Nicholas is so focused at cubscouts. It's really fun to watch him! He wasn't feeling well last night, this cold is still kicking his behind, but I reminded him about the special speaker and that it's a bobcat requirement (he has to get his bobcat level before he can earn any other badges) so he decided to go.

Today, Megan is still swollen and sore. Nick is still under the weather. We have more running to do. (seriously??) Hopefully we can get it all done so they can spend the rest of the day resting up for tomorrow! :) (Another reason to not like fall? The busy just doesn't stop!)


  1. Blog hopping and wanted to say hi! I am so happy I found your blog. My dream would to be able to homeschool our children one day hopefully I will be able to make that happen before my kids get to that point! I hope you don't mind a new follower!

  2. Welcome to my insanity, Ashley!
